Cando, North Dakota Weather by Month

Introduction to Cando, North Dakota

Cando is a small city located in Towner County, in the northeastern part of the U.S. state of North Dakota. Known as the “Duck Capital of North Dakota,” Cando is situated in a region characterized by its vast prairies and abundant wildlife, making it a prime location for outdoor enthusiasts. The city is approximately 110 miles northwest of Grand Forks and about 200 miles northeast of Bismarck, the state capital.

Geographically, Cando is positioned at approximately 48.49°N latitude and 99.20°W longitude, covering an area of about 0.93 square miles. The city has a population of around 1,100 residents, reflecting its small-town charm and tight-knit community atmosphere.

Cando does not host major universities or large corporations, but it is home to several significant landmarks and institutions. The Towner County Medical Center is a key healthcare provider in the region. Additionally, the city features historical sites such as the Cando Opera House and the Towner County Courthouse, which add to its cultural and historical richness. The city is also near the beautiful Cando Lake, which offers recreational opportunities for both residents and visitors.

Climate and Weather Overview

Cando, North Dakota, experiences a humid continental climate characterized by cold winters and warm summers. The climate is influenced by its location in the northern Great Plains, resulting in significant seasonal variations and a generally dry climate with occasional extremes in temperature.

Average Monthly Climate Data

Month Average Temperature (°F) Average Precipitation (inches) Average Sunny Days
January 10.0 0.6 20
February 16.0 0.6 18
March 27.0 1.0 20
April 42.0 1.3 21
May 54.0 2.4 24
June 64.0 3.4 25
July 69.0 2.7 28
August 67.0 2.3 27
September 57.0 1.8 24
October 44.0 1.3 22
November 27.0 0.8 19
December 14.0 0.6 18

Weather by Month in Cando, North Dakota


January in Cando is typically the coldest month of the year. Average temperatures range from a low of around -5°F to a high of about 20°F. Precipitation is relatively low, averaging around 0.6 inches, mostly in the form of snow. The city typically enjoys about 20 sunny days during this month.

Natural disasters such as severe winter storms and blizzards can occur, but they are relatively rare. Recommended activities include indoor pursuits such as visiting local museums, enjoying the cozy atmosphere of local cafes, or participating in winter sports like ice fishing and snowmobiling.


February sees a slight warming trend with average temperatures ranging from -2°F to 24°F. Precipitation remains low at around 0.6 inches, with occasional snowfall. The number of sunny days decreases slightly to around 18 days.

Outdoor activities such as skiing, snowshoeing, and ice fishing continue to be popular. Exploring the local trails or enjoying winter festivals are also great options.


March marks the beginning of spring with average temperatures climbing to between 12°F and 42°F. Precipitation averages around 1.0 inches, with a mix of rain and snow. Cando typically experiences around 20 sunny days during this month.

The emergence of blooming flowers makes it a beautiful time for outdoor activities. Hiking, garden tours, and visiting nature reserves are recommended. Natural disasters such as flooding due to melting snow can occur, so it’s important to stay informed about weather conditions.


April sees a more noticeable shift to warmer weather with temperatures ranging from 25°F to 55°F. Precipitation increases slightly to 1.3 inches, and the number of sunny days increases to around 21.

This month is ideal for outdoor activities like picnicking, biking, and visiting local farmers’ markets. The risk of severe weather, including thunderstorms, begins to rise, making it important to stay prepared.


May brings even warmer temperatures, ranging from 35°F to 70°F. Precipitation remains moderate at 2.4 inches. The abundance of sunshine, with about 24 sunny days, makes it perfect for outdoor adventures.

Residents and visitors can enjoy activities like gardening, hiking, and attending local festivals. May is also known for its beautiful spring blooms, making it an ideal time for nature walks and photography.


June heralds the start of summer with average temperatures ranging from 45°F to 80°F. Precipitation averages around 3.4 inches, often in the form of brief but intense thunderstorms. Cando typically experiences around 25 sunny days in June.

Outdoor activities such as swimming, boating, and picnics are popular. The weather is generally favorable with a high number of sunny days, making it an excellent time for outdoor exploration.


July is typically the hottest month in Cando, with temperatures ranging from 50°F to 85°F. Precipitation is around 2.7 inches, making it a relatively wet month. Cando enjoys about 28 sunny days during this month.

Despite the heat, outdoor activities like attending local fairs, swimming, and exploring state parks are common. Residents should stay hydrated and take precautions against heat-related illnesses.


August continues the summer warmth with temperatures ranging from 48°F to 83°F. Precipitation is lower at 2.3 inches, and the number of sunny days is around 27.

The weather remains suitable for outdoor activities, including water sports and hiking. It’s important to monitor weather reports for any severe thunderstorms that may occur.


September brings a gradual cooling with temperatures ranging from 40°F to 72°F. Precipitation averages around 1.8 inches, and the number of sunny days starts to decrease to about 24.

This month is ideal for outdoor activities such as apple picking, hiking, and attending fall festivals. The risk of severe weather is low, making it a pleasant time to enjoy the outdoors.


October sees more significant cooling with temperatures ranging from 30°F to 58°F. Precipitation averages around 1.3 inches, and sunny days are around 22.

Fall foliage makes this month particularly scenic, ideal for outdoor photography, hiking, and visiting pumpkin patches. Natural disasters are rare in October, but it can be a wet month.


November temperatures range from 15°F to 42°F, with precipitation averaging 0.8 inches. The weather becomes cooler, and the number of sunny days decreases to about 19.

Outdoor activities like hiking and visiting local markets are still enjoyable. As the holiday season approaches, indoor activities and local events become more popular.


December brings cooler temperatures, ranging from -1°F to 28°F, and precipitation averages around 0.6 inches. Snow is more common, adding a festive atmosphere to the city. Cando experiences around 18 sunny days during this month.

Indoor activities such as visiting museums and historical sites are recommended. The festive season also brings various local events and holiday markets to enjoy.

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