Benton, Kansas Weather by Month

Benton is a small town located in Butler County in the south-central part of the state of Kansas, United States. Situated approximately 15 miles northeast of Wichita, the largest city in the state, Benton serves as a quiet residential community within the Wichita metropolitan area. The town covers an area of around 2.8 square miles and has a population of approximately 900 residents, offering a peaceful, rural lifestyle while still being close to urban amenities.

The geography of Benton is typical of the Great Plains region, characterized by flat to gently rolling terrain. This landscape is primarily agricultural, with large expanses of farmland surrounding the town, where crops such as wheat, corn, and soybeans are commonly grown. The town itself is marked by a mix of residential areas, small businesses, and public spaces, providing a friendly, community-oriented environment.

While Benton does not host any major universities or large corporations, it is known for its proximity to the Wichita metropolitan area, which offers a wide range of educational, cultural, and economic opportunities. The town is also near several notable landmarks and recreational areas, including the Benton Airport, which serves private pilots and small aircraft, and the El Dorado State Park, a popular destination for outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, and hiking.

The local economy in Benton is primarily supported by agriculture, small businesses, and services related to the nearby metropolitan area. The community is close-knit, with a strong emphasis on local events and traditions. The town hosts various community gatherings and festivals throughout the year, fostering a strong sense of belonging among its residents.

Climate and Weather Overview

Benton experiences a humid subtropical climate, characterized by hot, humid summers and cold, dry winters. The town’s climate is influenced by its location in the central United States, which leads to significant seasonal temperature variations and varying precipitation levels throughout the year. The following table provides an overview of the average temperatures, precipitation, and sunny days throughout the year in Benton:

Month Average Temperature (°F) Precipitation (inches) Sunny Days
January 32 1.1 12
February 36 1.3 12
March 46 2.3 15
April 57 3.0 16
May 66 4.4 16
June 75 4.5 17
July 80 3.5 18
August 78 3.1 17
September 70 3.0 16
October 59 2.3 15
November 47 1.6 13
December 35 1.2 12

Weather by Month


Climate and Natural Disasters: January in Benton is cold, with average temperatures around 32°F. The town experiences winter conditions, including occasional snowfall and frosty mornings. Precipitation is relatively low, averaging 1.1 inches, primarily as snow. While severe winter storms are uncommon, cold fronts can bring frigid temperatures and icy conditions.

Activities: January is an ideal time for indoor activities. Residents can explore local cafes and community centers, or enjoy indoor hobbies. The cold weather also offers a peaceful setting for winter walks and photography, capturing the serene landscapes of the Great Plains.


Climate and Natural Disasters: February remains cold, with average temperatures around 36°F. The weather is similar to January, with occasional snow and ice. Precipitation averages 1.3 inches. Severe winter weather is still possible, but major storms are rare.

Activities: February is perfect for indoor cultural activities and local community events. The town often hosts gatherings that provide a warm escape from the cold. Outdoor enthusiasts can enjoy winter sports or simply appreciate the winter scenery.


Climate and Natural Disasters: March marks the beginning of spring, with average temperatures rising to 46°F. The town experiences an increase in rainfall, averaging 2.3 inches, as snow gives way to rain. The risk of severe weather, such as thunderstorms, begins to increase.

Activities: March is a great time to enjoy the emerging spring landscape. The warming weather encourages outdoor activities like hiking and visiting local parks. Community events often focus on celebrating the arrival of spring and the blooming of local flora.


Climate and Natural Disasters: April brings warmer temperatures, with averages around 57°F. This month sees increased rainfall, averaging 3.0 inches, which helps to nourish the growing season. The risk of severe weather, including thunderstorms and occasional tornadoes, becomes more pronounced.

Activities: April is perfect for outdoor activities, including gardening, hiking, and exploring local nature reserves. The town often hosts spring festivals, showcasing local crafts and foods. The mild weather also makes it a great time for birdwatching and photography.


Climate and Natural Disasters: May sees temperatures continue to rise, averaging around 66°F. This month is characterized by the highest rainfall, averaging 4.4 inches, contributing to lush vegetation. The risk of severe weather, including thunderstorms and tornadoes, is highest during this month.

Activities: May is ideal for outdoor festivals and events. The town’s parks and recreational areas are popular for picnics, family gatherings, and community fairs. The pleasant weather also makes it an excellent time for exploring the surrounding countryside and participating in outdoor sports.


Climate and Natural Disasters: June marks the beginning of summer, with average temperatures reaching 75°F. The weather is warm and humid, with rainfall averaging 4.5 inches. The risk of severe weather, including thunderstorms and tornadoes, remains.

Activities: June is a great time to enjoy Benton’s outdoor spaces. Activities such as fishing, boating, and hiking are popular. The community often hosts summer festivals and outdoor events, providing entertainment and cultural experiences. The nearby El Dorado State Park is a popular destination for camping and outdoor recreation.


Climate and Natural Disasters: July is the hottest month, with average temperatures around 80°F. The weather is characterized by high humidity and frequent thunderstorms, with rainfall averaging 3.5 inches. The risk of severe weather, including tornadoes, continues.

Activities: July offers a variety of outdoor activities. The town celebrates Independence Day with fireworks and community events. The warm weather is perfect for exploring local attractions and outdoor dining. Water sports and visits to nearby lakes are popular pastimes.


Climate and Natural Disasters: August remains warm, with average temperatures around 78°F. The weather is similar to July, with high humidity and frequent thunderstorms. Rainfall averages 3.1 inches, and the risk of severe weather decreases as summer progresses.

Activities: August is an excellent time to enjoy outdoor activities, including hiking, fishing, and exploring the local countryside. The town’s events and festivals continue, celebrating the summer season. The warm weather also makes it a great time to visit local markets and enjoy fresh produce.


Climate and Natural Disasters: September brings slightly cooler temperatures, averaging 70°F. The weather becomes more comfortable, with decreasing humidity and rainfall averaging 3.0 inches. The risk of severe weather decreases as the summer season ends.

Activities: September is perfect for outdoor activities as the weather begins to cool slightly. The town often hosts harvest festivals and agricultural fairs, celebrating the local produce and crafts. The local parks and nature reserves continue to be popular for picnics and family gatherings.


Climate and Natural Disasters: October sees further cooling, with average temperatures around 59°F. The weather becomes more comfortable, with less humidity and rainfall averaging 2.3 inches. The risk of severe weather decreases, making it a pleasant time for outdoor activities.

Activities: October is a beautiful time to explore the natural beauty of the area. The town hosts various fall events and festivals, including Halloween celebrations. The cooler weather is perfect for hiking, birdwatching, and enjoying the scenic landscapes.


Climate and Natural Disasters: November brings cooler temperatures, averaging 47°F. The weather becomes more variable, with occasional rain and the first signs of frost. Precipitation averages 1.6 inches, and the risk of severe weather is low.

Activities: November is a good time for exploring Benton’s historical sites and enjoying local cuisine. The town prepares for the holiday season, with events and markets offering handmade crafts and seasonal goods. The cooler weather also makes it a good time for enjoying outdoor activities like hiking and fishing.


Climate and Natural Disasters: December marks the onset of winter, with average temperatures around 35°F. The weather is cold, with occasional snowfall and frost. Precipitation averages 1.2 inches, often in the form of light snow.

Activities: The holiday season in Benton is festive, with community events and celebrations. The town’s Christmas events include parades, light displays, and holiday markets. Residents and visitors can enjoy winter walks and the cozy atmosphere of local cafes and shops.

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