Basile, Louisiana Weather by Month

Basile is a small town located in the southwestern region of Louisiana, United States. Situated in Evangeline Parish, Basile lies approximately 50 miles northwest of Lafayette. Geographically, the town is positioned in the low-lying, flat terrain of the Louisiana coastal plain, which is characterized by its fertile soil and proximity to the Gulf of Mexico. Basile covers an area of about 1.2 square miles and has a population of around 1,800 residents, offering a tight-knit community with a rich cultural heritage.

Basile is known for its strong Cajun and Creole influences, reflected in its local cuisine, music, and festivals. One of the notable companies in the area is Basile Rice Dryer, which plays a significant role in the local agricultural industry. Although Basile does not host a major university, it benefits from proximity to educational institutions in nearby cities, such as the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Prominent landmarks in Basile include the Louisiana Swamp Pop Museum, dedicated to the region’s unique musical genre, and the Basile High School, which serves as a central hub for community activities. The town is also known for its vibrant festivals, including the annual Basile Swine Festival, which celebrates the town’s agricultural roots and community spirit.

Climate and Weather Overview

Basile, Louisiana, experiences a humid subtropical climate, characterized by hot, humid summers and mild to cool winters. The town’s climate is heavily influenced by its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, resulting in high humidity and significant rainfall throughout the year.

Average Temperature, Precipitation, and Sunny Days

Month Average High (°F) Average Low (°F) Average Precipitation (inches) Average Sunny Days
January 61 42 5.0 13
February 64 45 4.5 13
March 71 51 4.5 15
April 77 57 4.3 15
May 84 65 5.2 14
June 89 71 7.2 14
July 91 73 6.8 15
August 91 73 6.7 14
September 87 68 5.6 14
October 80 57 4.6 14
November 70 48 4.5 13
December 63 43 5.2 12

Weather by Month


Weather Overview:
January in Basile is mild, with average high temperatures around 61°F and lows dropping to 42°F. The town receives about 5.0 inches of precipitation, mostly in the form of rain.

Natural Disasters:
The risk of natural disasters such as flooding is present due to heavy rains.


  • Indoor: Visiting the Louisiana Swamp Pop Museum.
  • Outdoor: Enjoying nature walks and birdwatching in the mild weather.


Weather Overview:
February remains mild, with temperatures ranging from 64°F during the day to 45°F at night. Precipitation decreases slightly to 4.5 inches.

Natural Disasters:
Flooding can still occur, but the risk is generally lower than in January.


  • Indoor: Participating in local Mardi Gras celebrations.
  • Outdoor: Exploring local parks and attending community events.


Weather Overview:
March brings a warming trend, with average highs of 71°F and lows around 51°F. The town experiences about 4.5 inches of precipitation.

Natural Disasters:
Spring storms can cause localized flooding.


  • Indoor: Visiting local libraries and cultural centers.
  • Outdoor: Early spring gardening and attending outdoor festivals.


Weather Overview:
April sees further warming, with temperatures ranging from 77°F to 57°F. Rainfall is around 4.3 inches.

Natural Disasters:
Spring storms remain a concern, but severe weather is generally rare.


  • Indoor: Attending local arts and crafts fairs.
  • Outdoor: Hiking and biking in the increasingly pleasant weather.


Weather Overview:
May is significantly warmer, with average highs of 84°F and lows around 65°F. The town receives about 5.2 inches of rain.

Natural Disasters:
Thunderstorms are common, but severe weather is generally rare.


  • Indoor: Exploring historical exhibits at local museums.
  • Outdoor: Participating in outdoor sports and community events.


Weather Overview:
June ushers in the summer season, with temperatures ranging from 89°F to 71°F. Precipitation increases to around 7.2 inches.

Natural Disasters:
The risk of severe weather is higher, including hurricanes and heavy thunderstorms.


  • Indoor: Attending concerts and theater performances.
  • Outdoor: Swimming, picnicking, and enjoying summer festivals.


Weather Overview:
July is the hottest month, with average high temperatures reaching 91°F and lows around 73°F. Rainfall is about 6.8 inches.

Natural Disasters:
Heatwaves and thunderstorms can occur, necessitating precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses.


  • Indoor: Enjoying air-conditioned facilities and community centers.
  • Outdoor: Celebrating Independence Day with fireworks and barbecues.


Weather Overview:
August remains hot, with temperatures averaging between 91°F and 73°F. Precipitation is around 6.7 inches.

Natural Disasters:
The risk of hurricanes and severe thunderstorms remains high.


  • Indoor: Visiting local art galleries and cultural exhibitions.
  • Outdoor: Hiking, camping, and participating in summer sports.


Weather Overview:
September sees a gradual cooling, with temperatures ranging from 87°F to 68°F. Rainfall decreases to about 5.6 inches.

Natural Disasters:
The risk of hurricanes decreases, but heavy rainstorms can still occur.


  • Indoor: Attending fall fairs and exhibitions.
  • Outdoor: Enjoying autumn activities such as fishing and hiking.


Weather Overview:
October brings cooler weather, with average highs of 80°F and lows around 57°F. Precipitation is about 4.6 inches.

Natural Disasters:
The threat of hurricanes significantly decreases, though autumn storms can still occur.


  • Indoor: Participating in Halloween events and indoor markets.
  • Outdoor: Visiting pumpkin patches and hiking in the crisp fall air.


Weather Overview:
November temperatures range from 70°F during the day to 48°F at night. The town receives about 4.5 inches of rain.

Natural Disasters:
The likelihood of severe weather is minimal, making it a calm month weather-wise.


  • Indoor: Celebrating Thanksgiving with community gatherings.
  • Outdoor: Autumn walks and preparations for winter festivities.


Weather Overview:
December in Basile is mild, with average highs of 63°F and lows of 43°F. Rainfall is around 5.2 inches.

Natural Disasters:
Flooding and heavy rainstorms can pose challenges for travel and outdoor activities.


  • Indoor: Enjoying holiday markets and community events.
  • Outdoor: Decorating for the holidays and participating in winter sports.

Basile, Louisiana, offers a rich variety of activities and experiences throughout the year, making it a charming place to visit or reside. The town’s climate provides distinct seasons, each with its unique set of outdoor and indoor activities, allowing residents and visitors to enjoy the natural beauty and community spirit of the area.

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